Events by the Uranga Entity Institute

01/12/06 – 16:26 to 16:26

  • Country: Kenya
  • City: Nairobi
  • Venue: In various locations

To mark the World Aids Day, the Uranga Entity Institute, an independent broad based public policy research project operated by the Uranga Development Action Group (UDAG) has developed several events. The UEI carries out its activities through advocacy, training and information dissemination. The UEI promotes the view that innovation and culture are an integral part of environmental sustainability as well as being crucial to meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

The following activities will be observed:

  • A visit to the Kayole Children’s Home located in the
    sprawling Kayole suburb of Nairobi, which is home to
    an estimated 100,000 people and hosts a number of AIDS
    orphans. The Institute will spend time with the
    children as well as donations of foodstuffs to the
    home’s administrators.
  • Distribution of HIV/AIDS informational and advocacy
    materials bearing World Aids Day messages and slogans.
  • Publication of a special edition of the Uranga E
    Institute newsletter focusing on the theme of ‘STOP
    AIDS Keep the Promise’ to be distributed to various
    stakeholders in both print and PDF formats. To join
    the mailing list, please send your request to the
  • Providing Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s)
    booklets with the aim of sensitizing people about the
    MDG’s and to hold their local and national leaders
    accountable on the progress of implementation.
  • Taking part in a processional march to link up with
    the National Aids Control Council (NACC) which is
    hosting the main celebrations to be held at the KICC
    grounds in Nairobi.

For further information, please contact:

Wilson Rading Outa,
The Uranga Entity Institute,
P.O Box 389, 00200, CSQ
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 721 528272 /+254 923451 or 020780569