01/12/06 – 14:00 to 18:00
On December 1st at 2 p.m. opening of the art exhibition “Young Art Against AIDS” will take place in “Lavra” art gallery. This exhibition is dedicated to the Day of solidarity with HIV-positive people. The exhibition will host the artworks of young artists, sculptors, designers who are not indifferent to the situation around HIV/AIDS in our city, country and in the world at large. Young people, government, representatives of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH and partner organizations are invited to the opening of the exhibition. Organization of this event became possible to the assistance of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine. Русский: На открытие выставки приглашена молодежь, правительство Украины, а также представители Всеукраинской Сети ЛЖВ и партнерских ВИЧ-сервисных организаций. Организация выставки стала возможной благодаря инициативе Международного Альянса по ВИЧ/СПИД на Украине. |

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